Monday, October 5, 2009

When You Wake Up

I feel as if I'm slowly waking up from a horrible nightmare. The kind in which you can't move when something is chasing you. The kind in which you scream at the top of your lungs, yet no sound is heard. The kind that is real.

On September 5th I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I rejoiced! My husband and I shared a secret moment of happiness and joy while our sister-in-law and niece and nephew played in our living room. We spent the day with my husband's family and passed secret "We're having a baby!" glances at one another throughout our time together. We were happy.

A couple of days later the spotting started. I immediately called my mother who told me to calm down. It was probably nothing. It would go away. It did go away. Worries gave way to more rejoicing. We told our daughter, "You are going to be a big sister!"

This is where dates and times begin to run together. I only remember the bleeding. The sinking feeling. Knowing that my baby left me. We had so many appointments that week. But I didn't need the radiologist to tell me. Or the midwife. Or the doctor. I knew. My baby was gone and all I felt was empty.

Today is the beginning of a long road of grief, anger, worry, sadness, joy and....who knows what else. I've felt numb for weeks. It's been difficult for me to even face the reality of this. But I need to start somewhere. Right now my emotions are too raw. Just the simple question, "How are you?" puts me in tears. The world is moving so quickly and all I want to do is sit still. People (with wonderful intentions) ask when we will be able to try again. All I want to say to them is "Please, don't rush me. I'm not ready".

Last week my husband and I sat on the couch, trying to grasp what happened. Asking the whys and not hearing the answers. Or being too afraid to hear the answers. We decided to name the baby. The name Seraphim popped into my head. As I pondered that thought my husband spoke, "Seraphim is a good Saint name".

Seraphim. It's perfect.


  1. I am so sorry, Miriam. You expressed your pain so beautifully, my heart is aching with you. Thank you for sharing. I know you are in our Healer's hands... let them hold you. Love you guys, let us know if you need anything.

    PS. Seraphim IS perfect.

  2. Oh love... my heart goes out to you! I'm crying tears for you! Seraphim is perfect! If I've learned anything this year, its that God works in some very strange... & sometimes very hard to understand ways. You will all be in my prayers! You will find your answer.

    God Bless!

  3. My heart goes out to you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you as you travel down this road God has set before you.

  4. Like I said before, if you want to talk or if you need anything, PLEASE CALL ME. Also- we are SO having girl time over Thanksgiving weekend. Love you!

  5. I'm so sorry Miriam. I am praying God will be with you and comfort you. Seraphim is a beautiful name.

  6. Miriam, I'm so sorry for your loss. We had a miscarriage before we got pregnant with Micah. It is such a difficult time. But, only through that time have I gotten to know God as the God of comfort. I will be praying that he gives you his peace and comfort during this time.

    Joy Morris
