Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nobody Knew You

It's been difficult to write since the miscarriage. We are still grieving, still processing what actually happened. Some days I feel like I'm starting to feel like myself again. Then there are the hard days. The days when everything makes me want to cry or scream. I know, more and more, that this is something I won't be able to just "get over". There won't be a time where I will feel nothing about this. And I'm ok with that. I'm learning to live with it, more each day.

I've been blessed to have so many parents that have experienced this loss reach out to my husband and I. My husband also find this website www.namingthechild.com There are lots of articles and posts about losing a child that have helped put our grief into words. This poem, posted by a mother, really speaks what I'm feeling right now.

Nobody Knew You

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  1. the poem is beautiful. it made me think of my niece, Nyah, (her name means Purpose) who is in Heaven. She had been in my sisters womb for 4 months when she came into the world for one frail breath. I think of her often, I so long to know her! I know I will one day.
    I ache when I think of the longing of your heart, I am praying for both you and Joe.

  2. What a sad poem. I had a miscarriage early this year and I was astonished at some of the terribly insensitive comments that well-meaning people would come out with like in that poem...as if anything can change the fact that you have lost your baby and it's awful. Praying that God will give you and your husband peace and comfort.
