Monday, April 25, 2011

...makes me smile

Happy Bright Week friends!
Here are a few things that made me smile last week:

This bed (!)....such a creative co-sleeping arrangement (via Peaceful Parenting)
These coloring books....they are so creative (via Design Mom)
This paper city...great for those spring rainy days 
Our Pascha feast...
Driving home from Pascha at 4am...
Sleeping in till almost 10 am...
Pretty much everything in this shop...
This blog...I wish I had this resource when I had Z!
This skirt...(though it is more than I would spend for my daughter's clothing!)
Trader Joe's milk chocolate malted eggs...

Anything make you smile this last week?  Send me a link and I could feature it next week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I adore the whimsy of this idea!! Thanks for sharing this. Found you through soulemama. ( :
